What are the effects of having impacted wisdom teeth?

Related imageOral health issues can put the bravest of us into a very uncomfortable situation and carrying on even with our daily activities may become quite a task. Impacted wisdom teeth are a dental issue and it must be looked into immediately.

Impacted wisdom teeth-What it means?
Most of us have 32 teeth, four of which, wisdom teeth as they are called, appear only in between 17 and 25 years of age. These wisdom teeth are said to be ‘impacted’ when one of them do not come out normally or don’t grow at all.

How do you know you have impacted wisdom teeth?
Most of the times, impacted wisdom teeth produce enough pain to give you a hint something is wrong. But here are the usual symptoms stated by Dentzz Dental that you might experience:

  • Gums that are swollen and bleed
  • Bad breath
  • Nagging headaches
  • Pain in the jaw
  • Unpleasant feeling and taste while you eat something
  • You may even experience low-grade fever
  • An X-ray taken by your dentist may reveal the presence of distorted wisdom teeth

What are the effects of distorted/impacted wisdom teeth?

Impacted wisdom teeth can have several undesirable consequences:

  • Gum Infection: Since wisdom teeth grow at the very back of your mouth, and because the gums here are difficult to reach, it is easy for food to get trapped and this leads to gum disease.
  • Damage to adjacent teeth: At times, impacted wisdom teeth, in a bid to find place to grow, tend to push other adjacent teeth out of their place. This may even lead to infection.
  • Although rare, impacted wisdom teeth can also cause dangerous conditions like cysts and tumours.

 Extraction of wisdom teeth:

Your dentist will do an examination of the impacted wisdom teeth or the entire mouth for that matter. Extraction of the impacted wisdom tooth depends on many factors such as position of the tooth, the extent to which it has erupted and a host of other factors. The more the tooth has erupted, the easier it is for your dentist to pull it off and eventually lesser the pain you will have to deal with.

A day-care procedure may be needed at a dental hospital or clinic under general anesthesia should your doctor feel your case is an especially difficult one.

You have seen how dangerous impacted wisdom teeth can be if they aren’t removed or left untreated. Never ignore them and see your doctor immediately.